1. 编制项目计划并更新,协助组织项目节点评审,按计划核查项目阶段成熟度交付物,输出项目节点评审进度状态;
Build-up and update the project plan, organize the project milestone and deliverable review according to the plan, and report the project status;
2. 跟踪项目活动进展,编制项目进展跟踪进展周/月度汇报文件,进行风险预测及通报;
Track project status, prepare project reporting presentation weekly/monthly, and forecast project risks for next stage;
3. 组织项目会议,记录并跟踪会议决议的实施;
Organize project meeting, output meeting minutes and track action list
4. 根据公司培训要求及研发工程师培训需求实施培训工作;
Execute training and skill promotion plan according company training plan and engineers’ requirement.
5. 项目管理其他相关业务。
Other PMO relevant businesses.
1. 本科及以上学历,具有2年以上汽车行业工作经验;
Bachelor degree or above, with more than 2 years working experience in the automotive industry;
2. 了解整车开发流程,了解项目管理相关知识;
Understand vehicle development process, and project management relevant knowledge;
3. 具有良好的沟通协调能力和团队协作能力,有责任心,抗压能力强。
Have good communication and coordination ability and teamwork skills, a sense of responsibility, and compressive ability;
4. 具备较好的英语能力,适应英语工作环境。
Have good English skills, and adapt to English work environment.